
[th]【学3个词 367-369】367 slate 368 home stretch 369 gaffe

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


367 slate

今天我们要学的词是slate。Slate, 是选定,注定的意思。"The conference is slated for early next month," 这次会议定于下个月初举行。"The hospital is slated to open in the spring," 这家医院定于春天开张。"The new movie is slated to be released next Saturday," 这部新影片定于下周六首映。

美国的亚历桑纳州去年通过了十分严格的法案,对雇佣非法移民的公司进行严厉惩罚,引起了很大的争议。"The controversial state law is slated to take effect on January 1st," 这项极具争议的州内立法定于1月1号生效。好的,今天我们学习的词是slate...


368 home stretch

今天我们要学的词是home stretch。Home stretch, 是最后阶段的意思。"The race for U.S. presidential candidacy has entered its home stretch ahead of the Iowa caucuses on Thursday," 美国总统大选候选人的角逐已经进入了星期四爱奥华州基层党团会议开始前的最后阶段。

去年年底,美国商家为了招揽顾客,纷纷延长营业时间。"They were hoping the extra hours would help their profits in the home stretch," 他们希望最后几天延长营业时间能够增加商店的营利。好的,今天我们学习的词是home stretch...


369 gaffe

今天我们要学的词是gaffe。 Gaffe, 是失言、失态的意思。"Make a bad gaffe," 就是极为失态。在美国大选过程中,每个候选人都会有失策或是讲错话的时候。"Sometimes minor campaign gaffes can turn out to be deadly for the candidates," 有时竞选中很小的失误也会给候选人带来致命的打击。

美国总统布什不久前在发表电视讲话时,把一个寻求房屋按揭帮助的热线电话的号码念成了一个基督教学校的号码。"Bush's verbal gaffe inundated the small school with numerous phone calls," 布什的口误害得这个学校的电话被打爆。好的,今天我们学习的词是gaffe...

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